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Where plastic is considered fantastic for making different stuff ranging from medical devices to containers and fabrics; glass bottles are used to store different solutions, health drinks, cherry cola, beer, etc. But, the fact is both the materials come with severe drawbacks when it comes to the environment.

Despite the efforts of environmentalists, glass bottles are recycled barely 20%. The good news is glass and plastic containers can be recycled easily which means that can be brought into use again and again. We have a number of bottle disposal centres working in different regions and we are only required to contact them so that used glass containers or jars can be taken by them to the recycling centre.

Among greens, glass has a good reputation. About glass manufacturing, the process results in the release of sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides and asthma aggravating articulates. More production of glass means harming human life and the environment more. But, we can reduce the environmental impact by opting for recycling as much as we can.

In a bottle disposal centre, the used glass products are broken down by recyclers into the constituent polymers and are fashioned into fresh new bottles. Hence, one should understand the needs and benefits of glass bottle recycling and take useful measures.

Get recycling, contact the experts! contact us